Compound Fertilizer

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Agro MAP

يعتبر من المركبات الهامة لجميع العمليات الحيوية داخل النبات
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Agro Sangral 19-19-19

سماد مركب متوازن بالكامل قابل للذوبان في الماء مصنوع من مواد عالية الجودة والنقاء.
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Features High-phosphorous fertilizer in the form of 100% water-soluble powder in addition to the nitrogen component used for all types of crops to strengthen the root, vegetable, and flowering complex An important compound for all vital processes inside the plant A primary and major source of phosphorous Important for the growth and development of the […]
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This package is filled with many different combinations of high-quality and high-quality fertilizers
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Zinc sulfate

Chemical composition Zinc 10% Sulfate 10% Features Zinc is an important microelement to the plant, because zinc is an essential element in the plant with hydrogen and carbon and works to build oxidation and sugars. It plays an important role in the process of oxidizing sugars in plants. It has a major role in the […]
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Zinc Mono

Fertilizer of high quality and purity is important and beneficial to the plant in all stages of growth Mixable with other fertilizers Used easily and conveniently with all different irrigation systems Works to treat the symptoms of zinc inside the plant.
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Phosphoric acid

Calcium nitrate fertilizer is rich in elements of calcium and nitrogen in a way that benefits the plant in the fertilization process
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