High-purity growth regulator containing -Benzylaminopurine6 (6BA), protects green and anti-aging. It is widely used in agriculture.
Stabilizes the contract and the production and activation of flowering in a strong dense ratio not affected by different climatic factors.
Characterized by the formation of fruits: When the seed begins to mature after the process of fertilization and the formation of the embryo is released from the tissues of the fruit that surrounds the seed and the fruit is formed by spraying the flowers to produce fruits in some plants without the need for pollination and fertilization
Works on the formation of roots and germination: If dipping the mind of plants in a small amount of the compound activates the formation of roots and growth and this process is used commercially in agricultural nurseries.
works on the non-sovereignty of developing peaks: one of the objectives of pruning trees is to prevent the growth of the branch vertically and to high distances, and encourage the growth of side branches, which increases the size of the fruits and facilitates agriculture operations from spraying and harvesting, as the growth of the summit growth prevents the growth of side shoots of the plant and the reason is Sovereignty of the developing Summit
characterized by the production of fruit without seeds: used to provide fruits without seeds where flowers are sprinkled with certain oxins, and in this way produces fruits without seeds (without fertilization) such as grapes
helps the plant to withstand adverse conditions of growth such as (flowers - nodes - poisoning pregnancy - overload - the difference in temperature between night and day - thirst - frost)
Prevents the yellowing and fall of the leaves and works to regulate the growth of lateral branches and thus mitigate the emergence of apical sovereignty
works to increase the hardness of fruits and raise the proportion of sugars and cell division and homogenization of fruit size
Increases the ability of plants to resist diseases and weather conditions.