
Liquid fertilizer containing phosphorus and a high proportion of potassium to treat the deficiency of these elements of the plant

Chemical composition
Phosphor( P2O5)5%
Potassium (K2O)38%
Using Rates
The cropFries / potatoes / tomatoes / eggplant / pepperWatermelon / cantaloupe / cantaloupe / zucchini / cucumberStrawberryOnionsFruit treesGrapes / pears / peaches / apples Apricot / citrus / guavaField crops (wheat / rice)
Dose200: 150 cm3 / 100 l water200: 150 cm3 / 100 l water200: 150 cm3 / 100 l water200: 150 cm3 / 100 l water200: 150 cm3 / 100 l water200: 150 cm3 / 100 l water200: 150 cm3 / 100 l water
Number of sprinklesTwo sprinklesOne sprinklesOne sprinklesOne sprinklesTwo sprinklesTwo sprinklesOne sprinkles
Spray datesThe first after 45 days of planting and the second a week laterAfter the appearance of flower buds after the contractBefore flowering30 days after seedlingThe first after the decade and the second before the ripening of fruitsFirst before floweringThe second before the ripening of fruits